XploRer 0.8.0

  • simplification of the package for mtg computations:

    • two main functions are exported: descendants() and ancestors(). The first help get values from parent to parent, and the other from children to children. They share the same arguments to simplify their usage, with filters for the scale, the symbol, the link, and also for user-defined filters (filter_fun). These functions are very powerfull but they can be hard to master.

    • several helpers: children(), parents() and leaves(). They are wrappers around the previous functions designed to help the user make basic computations in a simple way.

  • add new example: simple_plant_2.mtg. It is a plant that is a little bit more complex than simple_plant.mtg. Use the following code to use it:

    filepath= system.file("extdata", "simple_plant_2.mtg", package = "XploRer")
    MTG2 = read_mtg(filepath)
  • add .symbol argument to mutate_mtg() and .scale argument is now used for the scale.

  • Fix bug when reading mtg with trailing/leading white space in column names

  • Fix bug when reading mtg for classes defined with spaces before “:”, e.g. “CODE :…”

  • Make the package compatible with scenes (several trees in a scene)

  • read_mtg() is more explicit when an error occurs in the mtg

  • recursive argument now became continue for all functions used to compute variables in the mtg

  • Add recursivity_level argument to the functions for computing variables in the mtg. It is used to stop the recursive search at a given level. It also takes into account the scale, meaning traversing a scale that is filtered out does not count as a level

XploRer 0.7.0

  • get_parent_value(), get_children_values() and get_ancestors_values() all accept expressions as attribute argument. Use node$variable to be sure to use the value from the node (as for rlang::.data is used in dplyr)

  • replace fieldsAll by attributesAll in nodes following data.tree 1.0.0

  • add Getting started vignette

  • add contributing + code of conduct + issue template

XploRer 0.6.0

  • improve doc in readme

  • add a recursive argument to get_parent_value()

  • get_children_values and get_ancestors_values() now return the node name

  • fix issues with get_ancestors_values() (didn’t work properly when called from mutate_mtg())

XploRer 0.5.0

  • Add get_ancestors_values() to get all values from the ancestors of a node (with or without the values of the current node, see self argument)

XploRer 0.4.0

  • Fix issue in get_children_values() when requiring a particular scale

  • Fix issue in tooltip for plotly_mtg() when requiring several user variables

  • Rename .scale in scale for helpers (they don’t use ellipsis anymore)

XploRer 0.3.0

  • get_parent_value() was added to get the variables of the parent of a node

  • get_children_values() was added to get the variables of the children of a node

  • mutate_mtg() can use both get_parent_value() and get_children_values()

  • It is now possible to add any variable to the tooltip on hoover of a node in plotly_mtg(), e.g.: plotly_mtg(MTG,Length,Width)

XploRer 0.2.0

XploRer 0.1.1

  • Added a NEWS.md file to track changes to the package.

  • First (alpha) working version of the package. What seems to work: read an MTG, and plot an MTG