Adds new variables to an MTG. New variables overwrite existing variables of the same name.

  .scale = NULL,
  .symbol = NULL,
  .traversal = c("pre-order", "post-order", "in-order", "level", "ancestor"),
  .pruneFun = NULL



A mtg, as returned by read_mtg().


Name-value pairs of expressions, each with length 1. To access a variable from the mtg, use node$var instead of var. The name of each argument will be the name of a new variable, and the value will be its corresponding value. New variables overwrite existing variables of the same name. The arguments in ... are automatically quoted and evaluated in the context of the mtg. They support unquoting and splicing. See the chapter about metaprogramming in the book "Advanced R" from H. Wickham for an introduction to these concepts.


An integer vector of the .scale to apply the functions over (i.e. the SCALE from the MTG classes). This argument is used to apply a filter on the node modification.


A character vector of the .symbol to apply the functions over (i.e. the SYMBOL from the MTG classes). This argument is used to apply a filter on the node modification.


any of 'pre-order' (the default), 'post-order', 'in-order', 'level', 'ancestor', or a custom function (see details)


allows providing a a prune criteria, i.e. a function taking a Node as an input, and returning TRUE or FALSE. If pruneFun returns FALSE for a Node, then the Node and its entire sub-tree will not be considered.


The MTG invisibly. It is returned for piping purposes only, but it is modified in-place inside de function.


The .traversal and .pruneFun arguments are passed to data.tree::Traverse. From its documentation: the traversal order is as follows:


Go to first child, then to its first child, etc.


Go to the first branch's leaf, then to its siblings, and work your way back to the root


Go to the first branch's leaf, then to its parent, and only then to the leaf's sibling


Collect root, then level 2, then level 3, etc.


Take a node, then the node's parent, then that node's parent in turn, etc. This ignores the pruneFun


You can also provide a function, whose sole parameter is a Node object. The function is expected to return the node's next node, a list of the node's next nodes, or NULL.


The function was designed to be used as for dplyr::mutate(), so it uses non-standard evaluation (NSE). It also returns the mtg so it can be used with pipes.

See also

data.tree Do


# Import the MTG: filepath= system.file("extdata", "simple_plant.mtg", package = "XploRer") MTG = read_mtg(filepath)
#> Warning: the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
#> Warning: the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
#> Warning: the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
#> Warning: the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
# And mutate it by adding two new variables, Length2 and Length3: mutate_mtg(MTG, Length2 = node$Length + 2, Length3 = node$Length2 * 2) # note two things here: # 1/ We use "node$" to access the values of a variable inside the mtg; # 2/ Length3 uses the results of Length2 before it even exist. This is because # The variables are constructed sequentially. # We can also use pipes: if (FALSE) { read_mtg(filepath)%>% mutate_mtg(Length2 = node$Length + 2)%>% autoplot(.) } # Or even function: mutate_mtg(MTG, Length_parent = parent("Length")) # And more complex associations. Here is an example were we need the sum of # the section_surface of children of each node: mutate_mtg(MTG, section_surface = pi * ((node$Width / 2)^2), s_surf_child_sum = sum(children("section_surface"),na.rm=TRUE)) data.tree::ToDataFrameTree(MTG,"Length","Length2","Length3", "Length_parent","section_surface","s_surf_child_sum")
#> levelName Length Length2 Length3 Length_parent #> 1 node_1 NA NA NA NA #> 2 °--node_2 NA NA NA NA #> 3 °--node_3 NA NA NA NA #> 4 °--node_4 4 6 12 NA #> 5 ¦--node_5 10 12 24 4 #> 6 °--node_6 6 8 16 4 #> 7 °--node_7 12 14 28 6 #> section_surface s_surf_child_sum #> 1 NA 0 #> 2 NA 0 #> 3 NA 0 #> 4 0.7853982 0 #> 5 28.2743339 0 #> 6 NA 0 #> 7 38.4845100 0