Make a monotone Hermite spline function (Fritsch and Carlson, 1980) fitted on Drinnan et al. (1995) data. This function is given as a parameter in the coffee parameter file to be further used in the model as Bud_T_correction() so the user can modify the function and give it as input.



A function to predict the temperature correction coefficient (see Eq. 34 from Vezy et al. (in prep.))


As temperature increases, the number of nodes on coffee increases due to increased vegetative growth (see CN()), but the number of inflorescences per node, and the number of flowers per inflorescence decrease. This function fits a function that return itself a temperature correction coefficient that is fitted on the quite unique dataset of Drinnan and Menzel (1995). The correction coefficient is applied in DynACof to the number of buds that break dormancy (less buds break dormancy with increasing T).


  • Fritsch, F. N. and R. E. Carlson (1980). "Monotone Piecewise Cubic Interpolation." 17(2): 238-246.

  • Drinnan, J. and C. Menzel, Temperature affects vegetative growth and flowering of coffee (Coffea arabica L.). Journal of Horticultural Science, 1995. 70(1): p. 25-34.


# The function returns the temperature correction function itself. # It is called inside DynACof using the leaf temperature: Tleaf= 10:30 plot(Tleaf,CB()(Tleaf), pch= 19, ylab="Buds correction factor (CB)", xlab= "Leaf temperature (°C)")