DynACof 1.2.1

  • Tsoil used for Rm roots now
  • Remove MaxTT from GDD
  • Replace Tleaf_Coffee by TairCanopy in DegreeDays_Tcan and T_VG (for ratioNodestoLAI) as it should be (see documentation)
  • Put CM_Fruit_Cohort_remain to 0 when harvested
  • Add option for no harvest at all
  • E_Soil take in priority in surface layer, and then possibly in W_1
  • LeafWaterPotential is now fully computed
  • Rename LeafWaterPotential into PSIL
  • Add PSIL_Tree computation
  • Update default metamodels and parameters (revision of article)
  • Remove LAI_max dependence for leaf C demand computation
  • DynACof.jl related:
    • Update dynacof.jl_setup for dev versions
    • Update dynacof.jl_setup doc + website
    • Add Pkg.free when R terminates
    • Update the code following modifs in julia version (from 69cd69ba69d210e0479b8749deebc9585b58c1c0 to 7239c93bc2c50eb761de330cf4c43429fe18b4ef)
  • Runs shade tree model only if Stocking_Tree > 0.0 and remove overcomplicated shade tree models (keep only one now), following DynACof.jl
  • Update docs to Roxygen 7.0.0.
  • Add startup message
  • Fix several bugs:
    • Fix issue in the PENMON implementation
    • FileName reading
    • Fix format of simulation Table returned by DynACof with several cycles
    • Fix error in dynacof_i
    • Fix issues in the soil module
    • Fix transpiration metamodel bug
    • Fix the computation of the overriped fruits (could potentially count the same overriped fruits)
    • Fix issue in soil RootWaterExtract_*
    • Fix issue with LeafWaterPotential (was computed before T_Coffee)

DynACof 1.2.0

  • Reformat the code so the shade tree, coffee, soil and energy balance are made by separate functions sequentially
  • Add dynacof_i to be able to change a simulation from one (or several) time step to another
  • Add DynACof.jl compatibility: now the user can use the Julia version of DynACof directly from the R using the R version of the package. This functionnality require Julia (v > 1.1) to be installed on the computer and available in the path.

DynACof 1.1.2

  • Externalize coffee metamodels to parameter file + remove Tcan_MAESPA_Coffee as it is computed by the model now
  • Add tests for user-defined input parameter
  • Add option for model parallelization over crop rotations
  • Add ZEN to meteo
  • Fix issue on Tleaf_Tree + unit of DELM
  • Simplify writing of equations for Tleaf_*
  • Use markdown in package documentation
  • Update CB with flowers per inflorescences + its doc (+ doc for CN)
  • Several bugs/typos fix: e.g. VPD unit when not read from meteo file +
  • Update parameter values to match those from the article

DynACof 1.1.1

  • Add Temperature-dependent correction for buds (CB) as a function
  • Add Temperature-dependent correction for nodes (CN) as a function
  • Simplify derivative function of the logarithm (logistic_deriv)
  • Add an option for harvest: optimize quantity or quality
  • Rename the parameters as in the scientific article and update the inputs
  • Update documentation

DynACof 1.1.0

  • Add soil surface temperature computation
  • DynACof now calls mainfun(), which regroups all computations.
  • update documentation for metamodels

DynACof 1.0.2

  • Add templates for input parameters
  • Simulation saved using saveRDS (better coding practice)
  • Clean old comments in the model
  • Update documentation
  • Update Website

DynACof 1.0.1

Several imrpovements:

  • epsilon parameters are now true growth cost coefficients (1/previous_espilon)
  • Renaming : RainForBudBreak -> R_break ; Reserves_Tree -> RE_Tree
  • Tree allometries are now into metamodels
  • Use Ks from parameter file instead of hard coded values
  • Update Coffea sensible heat flux metamodel
  • New computation of Rn_Soil using MAESPA metamodels + replace PARcof by PAR_Trans_Tree and add PAR_Trans (PAR transmitted to soil)
  • Add website using pkgdown
  • Rm now computed using TairCanopy
  • Update T_Tree metamodel
  • Add WoodPruningRate as a parameter (it was hard coded !)
  • Remove unused WoodDensity_kgDMm3

DynACof 0.1.2

First news. Will be updated from now on.