
There are so many variables in PlantBiophysics that it can be difficult to remember what is their name, what are they describing or what is their unit.

Fortunately, PlantBiophysics implements a method for the variables function from PlantSimEngine, which helps us get all variables used in PlantBiophysics:

using PlantBiophysics, PlantSimEngine
37×3 DataFrame
1Acarbon assimilationμmol[CO₂] m⁻² s⁻¹
2CᵢIntercellular CO₂ concentrationmol[CO₂] m⁻² s⁻¹
3CₐAir CO₂ concentrationmol[CO₂] m⁻² s⁻¹
4CₛAir CO₂ concentration at the leaf surfacemol[CO₂] m⁻² s⁻¹
5DₗVapour pressure difference between the surface and the saturated air vapour pressurekPa
6GbcLeaf boundary conductance for CO₂ (one-sided)mol[CO₂] m⁻² s⁻¹
7GbₕLeaf boundary conductance for heat (one-sided)m s⁻¹
8Gₛstomatal conductance for CO₂mol[CO₂] m⁻² s⁻¹
9HSensible heat fluxW m⁻²
10PAir pressurekPa
11Ra_LW_fAbsorbed longwave radiation flux (TIR) also called net flux between the object and the atmosphereW m⁻²
12Ra_NIR_fAbsorned net NIR radiation fluxW m⁻²
13Ra_PAR_fAbsorned net PAR radiation fluxW m⁻²
14Ra_SW_fAbsorned net shortwave radiation (PAR + NIR). Often computed from a light interception modelW m⁻²
15RbₕLeaf boundary resistance for heat (one-sided)m s⁻¹
16RhRelative humidity0-1
17Ri_NIR_fIncoming NIR fluxW m⁻²
18Ri_PAR_fIncoming PAR fluxW m⁻²
19Ri_SW_fIncoming short wave radiation fluxW m⁻²
20Ri_TIR_fIncoming TIR fluxW m⁻²
21TAir temperatureCelsius degree
22TₗLeaf temperatureCelsius degree
23VPDVapor pressure deficitkPa
24Windwind speedm s⁻¹
25aPPFDAbsorbed Photosynthetic Photon Flux Densityμmol[photon] m⁻² s⁻¹
26clearnessSky clearness0-1
27dCharacteristic dimension *e.g.* leaf widthmeter
28durationTime duration *e.g.* for a time-stepseconds
29eVapor pressurekPa
30eₛSaturated vapor pressurekPa
31sky_fractionView factor between the object and the sky for both faces (0-2)-
32ΔSlope of the saturation vapor pressure at air temperature-
33γPsychrometer "constant"kPa K⁻¹
34εAtmosphere emissivity0-1
35λLatent heat of vaporizationJ kg⁻¹
36λELatent heat fluxW m⁻²
37ρAir densitykg m⁻³